[2024] github/dogefromage/pathtracer/README.md

pathtracer from scratch

Started out as a small project over the break and has spiraled out of control over time. Runs on cuda-12.5.


  • Build the program using make (requires cuda compiler)
  • The output will be placed in the ./bin folder
  • Test by writing ./bin/raytracer -c pathtracer.yaml gltf/bust.gltf
  • The output will be rendered to ./output.png
# usage:
Usage: ./bin/raytracer [options] <path_to_gltf>
Expects a gltf 2.0 model. Further settings can be applied in pathtracer.yaml.
  -c <pathtracer.yaml>  Pathtracer render settings file.
  -o <output.png>       Path to output image.
  -v                    Enable verbose printing.

# pathtracer.yaml layout:

# example output:
Parsing assets/spheres.gltf... Done 
Building bvh_t... [Done]
Copying scene to device... Done [105kB]
Copying bvh_t to device... Done [86kB]
Launching kernel... 
Rendering 300 samples in batches of 10, img size (1600, 1600)
Kernel params <<<(100,100), (16,16)>>>
Rendered 10 / 300 samples in 0.3s - 35.59 samples/s - 12.81 MPS/s
Rendered 20 / 300 samples in 0.4s - 45.25 samples/s - 16.29 MPS/s
Rendered 30 / 300 samples in 0.6s - 52.17 samples/s - 18.78 MPS/s
Rendered 40 / 300 samples in 0.7s - 56.58 samples/s - 20.37 MPS/s
Rendered 50 / 300 samples in 0.8s - 59.74 samples/s - 21.51 MPS/s
Rendered 60 / 300 samples in 1.0s - 61.98 samples/s - 22.31 MPS/s
Rendered 70 / 300 samples in 1.1s - 63.64 samples/s - 22.91 MPS/s
Rendered 80 / 300 samples in 1.2s - 64.99 samples/s - 23.40 MPS/s

Latest render

Currently implements:

  • basic path tracing on gpu using CUDA or optionally using CPU
  • handles large scenes thanks to BVH spacial acceleration structure
  • BSDF global illumination and transmission
  • rendering to .png image
  • BVH construction on CPU with surface area heuristic


  • more materials / principled bsdf
  • light source sampling

Used sources and useful stuff